CDS P combined protocol

Treatment with the combined protocol P

Diseases to be treated with the combined protocol P:

  • Autism
  • Migraine

Protocol P

Perform an intense deworming.

Como eliminar parásitos intestinales



Tips on the combined protocol P

Definition of diseases treated with combined protocol P


Chronic neurological disease with genetic basis that usually appears in the first three years of life and that affects each individual differently, the exact cause is not known and a genetic inheritance is pointed to but there is a possible relationship between vaccines and autism.

It is believed that there are environmental factors such as vectors of the disorder, having elderly children, intake of toxics or certain drugs during pregnancy, although they are speculations.

1% of the population suffers from autism spectrum disorders (ASD), it affects the child population, but it is a disease that can appear in any life cycle, therefore there are adults who also suffer from it, it affects more men than women in proportion 4 to 1.


  • isolation
  • impulsiveness
  • hyperactivity
  • Hearing deficit
  • Obsessive interest
  • Self-aggressiveness
  • Seizures
  • Crisis of agitation
  • Repetitive actions
  • Avoid physical contact
  • Little facial expression
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Eating disorders
  • Absence of symbolic play
  • Difficulty relating
  • Not accepting change of routines
  • Difficulty expressing feelings
  • Difficulty maintaining eye contact
  • Strange behaviors such as swinging, flapping hands, walking on tiptoeing etc.

There is no cure for this disorder although when the disease is detected and acted with psychopedagogy programs and pharmacological treatments can improve some symptoms.


Common neurological disorder that affects almost everyone at least once in a lifetime, there are many types of headache being the most common migraine.

Migraine is an intense headache that can be disabling for those who suffer from it as it can trigger vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound.

It can be episodic up to 9 days a month or suffer it 15 days a month, or it can be chronic when it goes beyond 15 days a month.

Types of migraines:

  • Without aura: very strong pain next to the head, with throbbing pain, there may be pain in the neck or jaw, it lasts more than 4 hours, there is pain when moving the head and sensitivity to light and noise, in some cases nausea may appear.
  • Aura: affects other senses such as sight, touch or language
  • Pure Menstrual: there is severe headache on the day of bleeding
  • Menstrual related: which coincides with the day of bleeding but also appears at other times of menstruation.


  • Nausea
  • Tearing
  • Congestion
  • Sharp, throbbing pain
  • A pain that lasts for hours or days
  • Gradual pain that may increase over time
  • Sensitivity to light, noise, or movements that aggravate pain

Migraine has no cure although drugs can improve symptoms, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, antiemetics, beta-blockers, antihypertensives, neuromodulators, and complementary therapies are used.

You can use our CDS protocol finder to locate a disease and its treatment with Chlorine Dioxide CLO2.

P = Parasites.

2 thoughts on “CDS P combined protocol”

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